Membership is for active day and swing traders who can handle quick-moving momentum stocks. This newsletter will strive to be on the cusp of the momentum wave and always move along with the hot money — be it gold, oil, or tech. If you are a dividend-loving investor then this service is not recommended for you.
All levels of traders can benefit from our newsletter:
A: Novice Traders who need to learn a system of how to trade, and more specifically, how to spot and interpret daily and intraday patterns. Education is key.
B: Intermediate Traders who need a refresher course or want a confirmation of their own readings on the market.
C: Advanced Traders who want another pair of eyes looking for possible set-ups. Many pros stay on as subscribers even though they “see” the same set-ups as we do. Why? Because they feel confident when they find the same spots show up on our newsletter. Once you learn the basics trading is all about conviction — and confidence in your plan is key.
Additional note for new traders (originally posted in our Blog 10/29/2006):
For new traders, our system–like any other closed system that provides background, analysis, and advice for a specific area–holds a certain fascination. We tell them what stocks to watch with entry, and discuss in the newsletters how to take profits, and when to cut your losses. If you’re new you can learn a lot from this: you can familiarize yourself with a successful system, you can recognize what kind of charts work, and what kind of charts do not, you can learn how professional traders interpret patterns.
However, there comes a time when you must start applying our teachings to your own data. We recommend that after several months of successful trading you start running your own scans or looking through your own list of stocks. What stocks, you ask? For one, you can look through the newsletters and you’ll soon come up with a nice list of usual suspects that we like to trade. Second, you can go to Web sites such as and look through the stocks that make up the different sectors of the market (filter with price >20, Average volume > 1 million). By now you should have a good idea what kind of charts we look at (and the kind of charts that we look at are the kind of charts that the majority of break-out, momentum traders follow– we’re not really doing anything unique.)
Set alerts on charts that you like — if they coincide with ours, great, if not, trade them anyway.
We hope to teach you what kind of daily charts to look at, and to understand what kind of intraday conditions are of importance when you plan to enter a position. After a while, you will enter the ranks of the majority of our subscribers who use us to supplement their own readings and watch-lists. Ultimately, this is where we want you to go. Why do we say this? Well, for one, you should never rely on anyone but yourself. What if we decide to close our doors, retire young, or run into unforeseen circumstances? (We’re only saying this rhetorically, of course — we’d like to be around for a long time since writing this newsletter has been one of the best decisions we have ever made). Second, you will never be able to gain the required confidence if you do not at some time stand on your own and trade your own selections. And without confidence, you will never be able to evolve into a strong enough swimmer to tackle the shark-infested, murky waters of the world of finance.